Thursday, 11 November 2010

as autumn rushes in...

As autumn rushes in, and winter arrives with a howl, and blue skies are almost a thing of the past our thoughts are turning to heat... 

ciel bleu
blue sky

We’ve decided not to buy a new oil tank, or indeed to move it - but instead to buy a new oil burner... The one we have now is very, very tired and not enjoying the dropping temeratures - just like us. It burns for an hour or so, and then gives up. Luckily the Nice Boiler Man showed us how to clean the little glass filter of soot - and we can get it going again and coax it to work for another hour. 

Luckily last winter we made one of the best ever investments in a long desired and perfectly formed French woodburning stove. Actually we bought a multifuel - though we rarely burn anything other than Sussex wood! The little thing, once it gets going heats the whole house for hours, looks beautiful and makes almost no dust or indee debris the next day. It must be fed of course, and so regular trips with to the wood store have become a feature of our winter mornings now. We try not to light it until later in the day - and so before the days chosen project begins the best thing is a march with the dog. 

feuilles sur le sol
leaves on the ground

He hates the rain - hates it - so we look for a weather window - just 30 minutes when we can look at all the leaves on the ground and the almost bear trees, and try to have a little faith that next spring all will be green again

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